Las Vegas 2020: The Most Exciting Year of Change Ahead!

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Hey everyone,

We just got back from the Vegas super affiliate conference, and I had a few days to ponder this years amazing trip! I feel that this year we have our biggest projects to date rolling and we are truly excited about the innovation and evolution. This is going to be a big year...for everyone.

What many people don't know is that Vegas is more about how to help people, than it is about telling people how to sell WA better. We discuss where we are headed in terms of technology, innovation, education, and improvement of our services. If that can happen and we can help more people, then our service is going to continually get better. Our goal that is going to be very apparent in the year ahead.

In this thread, I want to give you an overview of what this event looked like, and explain the direction that we are headed as a company and a community. :)

Day 1: Meet and Greet

As with prior years, the meet and greet is a great time to meet the newcomers, and to hang out with old friends. There is always one constant that you will find with the folks that promote Wealthy Affiliate and that make Vegas; they are all amazing people and all have strong ethics and morals.

The meet and greet evening is a good way to meet those new and familiar faces that you see regularly within the Wealthy Affiliate community, in a live setting over a couple of drinks and food.

Our room this year was home to the conference and some events, and it was over 6,000 sq/ft with a balcony overlooking the Vegas strip. It is the perfect setting for 4 days of hanging out, having fun, and getting down to business!

We usually wrap up the first nights meetings pretty early (well early in Vegas time, around midnight lol) so that we can be fresh for the big day of discussions ahead!

This leads me to...

Day 2: Meeting of the Minds, and Hockey Game

We sat down. With over 55 pages in my master document of the "Wealthy Affiliate Road Map", we commenced our conference for 2020. We got into a lot of the details as to how we plan to reinvent Wealthy Affiliate in the years to come, but also reshape the affiliate marketing industry and open the doors of opportunity to a wider audience.

This is the exciting stuff that Carson and I live and breathe (and talk about on a daily basis). It is fun each and every year to discuss this with others and get affirmation of the projects that we have often times put 100's of hours of idea development into...and in some cases shutdown certain ideas altogether.

Here is what the meeting area looks like where all the "magic" happened.

As much as we like to think all our ideas are going to be "amazing" when they launch, sometimes as we discuss them with the group we realize that they are not going to be worthwhile and we actually push aside some projects. That is the beauty of getting to discuss with fellow experts in industry and seasoned entrepreneurs.

After the first day talks were wrapped, we all headed to an incredibly fun "team building" event; a Vegas Golden Knights Hockey game! We thought we would impose some of our Canadian heritage upon everyone with a good old hockey game! Take the energy of an NFL football game and pack it into a hockey arena and then you get a Golden Knights game. The experience was out of this world and a lot of laughs were had by all! "Go Knights Go".

Day 3: Some Deep Discussions About 2020, a Delightful Dinner

The 3rd day started out with a light breakfast and more meetings through the morning. We had a lot of interesting discussions to go over. We got through some new platforms and systems that we are going to be launching in the coming months and year ahead.

One thing we always love about the group discussions is that they are a true "round table". If someone has feedback and suggestions about our ideas or direction, they offer it. We listen and we certainly adjust based on the amazing feedback we get from the experts down in Vegas. In all reality, there is 100's of years of online business expertise down in Vegas every year, lots of great ideas and insights. Everyone has something to share.

Later that night, we all got together for a nice dinner at CraftSteak (one of 3 tables shown above). It was unbelievable food as always, and lots of great discussions (and laughs) were had by all. ;)

Day 4: A Meeting, A DJ, & Food & Drinks From 4 Countries, a FareWell

The last day we completed the rest of our materials. As usual, we had too much to discuss and not enough time to cover everything all in detail. That is what is exciting though, there are ideas deep in development behind the scenes that are going to carry WA forward not just in the next year, but in the next 5-10.

We are building out Wealthy Affiliate in a way that is going to lead YOU to more success. A focus on helping you achieve much more efficiency in your own business through the training, tools, services, platforms, and support systems that we create on our end.

We wrapped things up just after 1pm, it was indeed another successful conference and coming out of this year's Super Affiliate Conference we are the most energized yet. The best is yet to come, and though we have been in business for 15 years now at Wealthy Affiliate, we feel we are just getting started.

That night we had everyone back to the room for a "World's Night", which included catered cuisine from 4 countries: Mexico, China, Japan (shown above), and Canada. There was also a cocktail bar with hand crafted cocktails and beer from these countries. To top it off...a live DJ was spinning music! It was a blast.

This year was our biggest group yet, and we are already anticipating next year is going to be by FAR our biggest yet.

We would love to have you down there and we know each and every person here is more than capable of achieving the 300 sales you need to make Vegas). If you are interested in working towards this incentive and building a full time and sustainable business promoting a service that you love (Wealthy Affiliate), I recommend that you head over to the Affiliate Bootcamp and get rolling.

Our Path in the Year Ahead

Although 2019 was one of our more limited years of major releases, it was a year that we spent a lot of time behind the scenes from an idea development and actual development standpoint. We were getting ready for what we have in store in 2020.

Come mid May 2020, you are going to see really radical shifts (in a positive way) here at WA. Our biggest pivot yet. Ideas that are going to set up WA to be THE platform for internet entrepreneurs for the next 10 years. We have never been in better position to improve our product/services here, innovate, and evolve at the fastest pace ever.

Our best is truly yet to come. I will take a few moments offering a bit of a synopsis of sorts of what was discussed in the meetings (obviously not going to nearly the same level of detail).

More Powerful Websites & Tools.

The websites hosted at Wealthy Affiliate are already leading the managed wordpress hosting industry in terms of speed. Faster websites, equate to faster rankings and this is going to be an ongoing focus on the hosting network side of our operations. Plain and simple, we are doing things that NO other host in the industry is doing and we are going to continue leading the charge in the Managed Wordpress Hosting world.

We have a significant team dedicated to hosting innovation, and this is not going to shift. We are not just a website platform, we are an elite hosting and website company and you are going to get a better feel of where we are headed with this in the summer months of 2020.

It's going to be a BIG release. We plan on leading the industry in the Managed Wordpress Hosting space, and we also plan on some really exciting roll outs related to the website/content side of your business. But this is just the start!

We have BIG plans for the Jaaxy component of WA as well, you are going to see some exciting improvements in terms of speed and accessibility in the months ahead, and some brilliant innovations on the research and website analysis front as we move through 2020.

Better tools, more powerful hosting, more sophisticated website data, better content tools....the road ahead is looking bright!

More Education.

You want more training, up to date training, and industry leading education on every topic imaginable? Well this is one of our ambitious goals moving forward.

A lot of our ideas over the past 3-4 years in terms of the education element of WA are going to start to come to fruition within Wealthy Affiliate in the months ahead. We have a slated roll out of "education" side releases that you are going to see take shape right through 2021.

These include:

  • More Training Than Ever
  • More Frequent Expert Based Training
  • Full Refresh of Existing Training
  • Redefine How People Get Education Here
  • Training Will be More Interactive Than Ever

We are really excited about where the education side of Wealthy Affiliate is headed, and we know you will too.

More Help.

A constant focus of the platform here at Wealthy Affiliate is the help. Not just random help, getting people the RIGHT help from the right people, and in an efficient manner. There are many ways we can accomplish this through technology and through the evolution of existing platforms.

You are going to see the focus remain on the community and support. Not just any type of help, the CORRECT help from key players within Wealthy Affiliate and where there are voids that need to be met, new education to help fill the void of any misunderstandings or confusion.

More Success.

All of these improvements that we are going to be making at WA have one underlying purpose. To help you achieve more success, faster, and to build much more sustainable businesses online.

We anticipate the success levels of members here at WA to continue to grow year over year once again. If we can help make you more efficient in your business, and provide you with the training, tools, services and support that give you a competitive edge over the rest of the industry, there is going to be a lot more success...a lot faster.

Our focus remains YOU, and only YOU. In all reality, if we can continue to improve our service, you are happier customers and you stick around longer. Building a business becomes much more fulfilling when the basis for everything you do is helping people more with better technology, better services, and better support. We are on a mission and this continues to be our laser focus moving forward.

The best is yet to come. We promise you that!

Kyle (& Carson)

PS. Here is a pic of the group from our final night (with a few missing). :)

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Recent Comments


Kyle, I like to begin working for the Los Vegas trip package in bring in 300 people to take a $49.00 premium pack as I have. Just when will this pack end? I am ready to start now, and I have the email address for them to click to see what WA is all about. Now, they will see your website and not mine right, the next question is how I know you will credit the 300 people as my workers, in sign up and staying around for 4 months or longer.

The $49 is per month, so each month it will recur as long as you are a Starter member. As you start earning revenue through referrals that your bring here, all of them will be your lifetime referrals and you will earn commissions for as long as they stick around, including if they come back to WA in the future. :)

I am with a clear conscience that if you dream for a life that is tied up with the supportive mentality of people then you must get a registration here at the wealthy affiliate
I hope to meet Kyle who inspires me to dream, Carson and others.
Thanks, Kyle.
Las Vegas looks like a garden of Paradise

Quick question, if I were to fall short of the 300 sales required to accompany you all on this amazing opportunity, what would be the out of pocket cost to attend? Would I have that option? This seems like an amazing opportunity to meet great people, learn, teach, and do it all in great company while having fun! I have recently dedicated myself to achieve excellence after many, many years of personal, professional, and educational negligence, and I see one hell of an opportunity to discuss and learn from only the greatest, hell-bent entrepreneurs associated with Wealthy Affiliates. Thank you!

Good question, Austin. That would be awesome.

As far as I know, only those who qualify with the required 300 sales are invited to join in Vegas. It would be a great opportunity if they also did a paid seminar type outing once a year for those that wish to attend. Might be a great suggestion :)

I have been away for awhile ... life happens. But the first thing I looked for when I was able to reengage was your 2020 Vegas piece.

Canadians and hockey of course, but is there evidence of NFL football in Vegas yet? Go Raiders.

It always amazes me how focused you and Carson are on continuous improvement. Fifteen years old and you guys are already talking about reinventing WA. But it's this kind of forward thinking that has made WA so successful.

Sounds exciting, can't wait, thank you.

I didn't go on this trip, but I do know that the stadium is moving along nicely, and Vegas is ready for the Raiders. 🏈

The stadium is in Paradise, NV (a suburb of Las Vegas) and is going to be very impressive.

That's great to hear!

Hi Kyle,
Sue and I were struggling with some health issues causing some financial restraint back a few months ago. We had to slow down but the idea of leaving Wealthy Affiliate permanently was downright disgusting, not an option.

We have gotten the health issues under control and our financial future looks brighter. Every day when I check the e-mails on Wealthy Affiliate, I find so much encouragement that it is hard not to get up shout and jump around.

This doesn't mean I am waiting for someone to encourage me, by encouraging and helping others it gives me the strength to keep going and produce marvelous results.

Wealthy Affiliate is our "life blood" in this world and we look forward to what all the new ideas, plans and changes you have.

Thanks for sharing so much with us all.

Bill & Sue

Hi Bill & Sue

I'm sending encouragement and Love & Light!

I used to be apart of WA and had to leave for personal reasons, but I came back!

Wishing you continued successes

God be with you both.

Wonderful to hear that you have gotten your health issues in check, you guys are awesome. You have a community of support and help here every step of the way Bill & Sue and if you need anything at all moving forward let us know!

Hi Jo,
Nice chatting again. Thank you for your comments. Best wishes for your totally successful comeback.

Bill & Sue

Hi Stuart,
Thanks for your remarks.

Bill & Sue

Hi Kyle,
Thanks so much for your encouraging remarks. We loved you your Innovating Approachedto to Hosting.

There was on one occasion a few years past that someone got into my website ( and posted some affiliate links to his own site. That was not a breach of WA, but my own fault as I put a link out front on the publics' view rather than putting it in the private area. Lesson learned.

We are looking forward to "things to come"

Bill & Sue

Hi Bill & Sue,

It is good to know that you are both on the path to good health again.
Wealthy Affiliate is the "lifeblood" for many of us here and it is therefore important to reach out and support each other.

Best wishes to you both.


You are most welcome, just take care.


Welcome it's nice to see you. If you need anything let me know ill do my best.

very good

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